Saturday, February 29, 2020

Benefits of ICT in Education and Classroom Management

Benefits of ICT in Education and Classroom Management ICT has so many advantages in the learning and teaching process. Classroom management is one of them that gained benefits from ICT. According to experienced teachers who use ICT in their classrooms that ICT may make the classroom controlling more effortless because ICT provides materials that make the class more interesting and easy to control (Cox and Webb, 2004). The existence of several sorts of ICT tools gives the class other support of learning especially in terms of visual and auditory learning. Thus the definition of classroom management â€Å"Content management occurs when teachers manage space, materials, equipment, the movement of people, and lessons that are part of a curriculum or program of studies† (Froyen they have ‘eyes in the back of their heads’ so are able to pay attention to several things at the same time; Letting pupils know what behavior is expected of them at any given point in time; Smoothness: teachers are able to guide pupil behavior v erbally or non- verbally without having to interrupt teaching; Maintaining group focus and interest.† Leask and Pachler(2005:44) ICT is beneficial for teachers too, to discipline student’s deportments in the class. In â€Å"withitness† teachers never are busy with other things in the class while answering a question or other activities (Leask and Pachler, 2005). They should pay their attention to students behaviour even they observe them out of the corner of their eye, it will be good. In addition, students know what they are going to do next time. Finally, in â€Å"smoothness† teachers use efficient techniques that guide students in a way, which does not lead to a noisy atmosphere in the class, but without interrupting teaching process. ICT and Motivation: The British educational communications and technology agency (Becta, 2003) has a research about ICT and motivation, which reports that regular use of ICT across various curriculum subjects, may have a u seful motivational impact on students learning (cited in Cox, 1997). It is clear that students stand more time in front of their tasks by using ICT like computer than other methods such as: classic method, which was manual, which is manual. ICT may solve discipline problems and decrease them. Moreover, students who used ICT for educational reasons in school feel more successful were more motivated to learn and have raised self-confidence and self-esteem (cited in Software and information industry association 2000). For example, while writing a paragraph by hand there is no grammar check to correct mistakes, but while ICT programs such as Microsoft Office word, which will detect most of the spelling and grammar mistakes. This process will encourage and motivate students certainly. Leask and Pachler, 2005 refer that the impaCT2 project evaluated the motivation of students through 15 case studies in their books. Researchers found that ICT not only encourages students to become more con centrated on the task. ICT also was seen by some teachers to improve both the competency and cognitive functioning (Cited in Comber et al., 2002, p. 9).

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Health Care Policies Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Health Care Policies - Assignment Example Domestic violence act protects one against one from abuse. Domestic violence is behaviors that one has with the aim of achieving control of other partners. Domestic violence in a society can include several activities that require one to be protected from. Abuse can include physical attacks which can come through sexual relationships that are forced, harassment and verbal abuse with demeaning comments, threats, creating a disturbance at one's territory, spying on one and child abuse. When these activities occur in a place, there are actions and policies that can be used to take action for those that perfume the acts. Domestic violence can be controlled in different ways in different types of courts. In criminal courts, the state is able to arraign the abuser (Greer, 2009). Possible crimes that can be handled in these situations include murder, rape, kidnapping, assault and elder abuse. In civil courts, one is able to address the issues that occur due to harassment and money damages. In the court, one can be held responsible for personal injury and sexual harassment. Divorce and family courts are also used to protect from domestic violence. Court Order of Protection is a policy that has been put protects again domestic violence. The policy makes the special need of one that has been abused to be addressed. The policy is able to order the abuser to stay away from the one abused and prevent contact through phone email or mail (Greer, 2009). For the policy to be applied there must be proof that there was the intention of violence. These are legal rights that govern reproduction. Reproduction rights include the right to birth control, right to safe and legal abortion, freedom of contraception and sterilization and also the right to access reproductive health care of good quality. Reproductive rights also give one the opportunity to access education on matters that concern sex and the infections that occur.

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Renaissance architecture, sculpture, & painting Essay

Renaissance architecture, sculpture, & painting - Essay Example The essay "Renaissance architecture, sculpture, & painting" explores architecture, sculpture, & painting of Renaissance. The Renaissance artists depicted the world in its natural situation in their art forms. They had the sense of space and perspective that medieval artists lacked. Their representation of the natural world is most evident in the paintings of the time. Landscapes became the â€Å"earthly settings† of the paintings. For instance, consider Andrea Mantegna’s Arrival of Cardinal Francesco Gonzaga. This fresco, completed in 1474, features a landscape as the setting, depicting the trees, hills, and the surroundings in their natural look. Pietro Bruegel, the Elder, in his The Peasant Dance (1568), painted his subjects over a natural setting of a village. It is not only in the settings of the Renaissance art forms that the beauty of the natural world was portrayed; it was depicted as well in the human figures as subjects. As paintings of the time became less of religious forms, they came to portray subjects realistically. Apart from the representation of the natural world in the paintings, the liveliness of the human form became evident in the artworks. Da Vinci’s ever-famous Mona Lisa was such a humanistic portrayal. The smile on that womanly face had caught the attention ever since. In sculpture, Michelangelo’s Moses is a good example. He was dedicated to portraying lifelike human details that he even pared muscles and veins. The humanistic approach to paintings was also implied.