Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Comparing and contrasting Not My Best Side and Warning...

Comparing and contrasting Not My Best Side and Warning Not my Best and Warning are about stereotypes and how these poems go against that. In not my best side the stereotype is that the three characters are meant to go with their roles, good the knight... Comparing and contrasting Not My Best Side and Warning Not my Best and Warning are about stereotypes and how these poems go against that. In not my best side the stereotype is that the three characters are meant to go with their roles, good the knight, bad the dragon and helpless the princess but don’t. In Warning the old woman is going to go against society by wearing clothes, which do not go, and buying items, which are useless. Not my best side is about Uccellos†¦show more content†¦Then the knight comes along her first impression was â€Å"what was underneath the hardware?† she is saying about how you could see everything about the dragon but not the knight he was covered in armour. The knight could have acne, blackheads or even bad breath. She says but the dragon got beat by the knight and she got to think of her future. This means she fancied the dragon but now he is dead so she may as well have the knight as she might as well get something out of it. She has to choose the second best. The knight starts by saying how good he is â€Å"I have a diplomas in dragon† then he starts about how good his items are special like his custom-built spear and prototype armour still on the secret list. Even this horse is special it’s the latest model with automatic transmission and built- in obsolescence he treats his horse like a car. At the end he asks four rhetorical questions to emphasise his control they are â€Å"So why be so difficult?† â€Å"Don’t you want to be killed and/or rescued in the most contemporary way?† â€Å"That sociology and myth have designed for you?† â€Å"You are endangering job-prospects in the spear and horse building industries?† Unlike the dragon and the princess he is staying with his role and telling the other two to do as well. His tone is im the best and the princess should just love him at once and the dragon will die a painful death with him still looking cool and calm. â€Å"Warning† isSho w MoreRelatedNavigating Early1978 Words   |  8 Pagesstory about the character Pi with the numbers of Pi helped him remember the numbers of Pi. For this assignment you are asked to create your own story to remember the first 15 digits of Pi. 1. You should first brainstorm ideas for your story. The best way to do this is to create a web of ideas. 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